Lesson Plan: Eleven Month Old

                                         Infant Lesson Plan


Child’s Name:  Noah                                                         Child’s Birthdate: 3/10/10

Performance Caregiver: C. Steeves                                 Child’s Age in Months: 11 mos.           

Week Of:  February 14-18, 2011


Manipulative Items and Experiences

Language Enrichment Experiences

  • Use hand over hand feeding during mealtimes to begin eating with a spoon


Goal: To introduce Noah to using his hand muscles to eat with a spoon

 Performance Standard: I. B.EL.2 Exhibits eye-hand coordination, strength, control, and object manipulation.

  • When Noah points to things, we will name them and encourage him to repeat the names


Goal: To provide exposure to new vocabulary and forming sounds with his mouth

Performance Standard: III. A.EL.1 Derives meaning through listening to communications of others and sounds in the environment. 

Pretend Items and Experiences

Stacking Materials and Experiences

  • Cooking utensils
  • Apron


Goal: To explore the materials used to

 Performance Standard: IV.B.EL.1 Engages in imaginative play and inventive thinking through interactions with people, materials and the environment.

·      Noah’s teachers will model stacking and nesting measuring cups and Noah will knock them down


Goal: To introduce stacking, nesting and knocking things over

Primary Standard: I. B.EL.2 Exhibits eye- hand coordination, strength, control, and object manipulation

Large Muscle/Outdoor Activities


  • Walking while holding onto his teachers’ hands


Goal: To practice how to place his feet when walking

Performance Standard: I.B.EL.1b Moves with strength, control, balance, coordination, locomotion, and endurance. Balance and Strength.

  • Cooking utensils in sensory table


Goal: To stand and reach for utensils and explore them through touch, taste and sight

Performance Standard: I.C.EL.1 Uses senses to take in, experience, integrate, and regulate responses to the environment.